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MAGNA - Reimagining STEM Education through a Humanities lens 2020-09-04

MAGNA - Reimagining STEM Education through a Humanities lens 2020-09-04 In-Person


Kindly note: Registrants will receive an email communicating the relevant information, as well as the Zoom link for attending the webinar. 


Why shouldn't I miss this!

This Magna Online Seminar is for any educator thinking about how to reintegrate the arts and humanities into STEM education.
Our presenter will compare faculty perception of the purpose of STEM with their students’ expectations. Does their understanding align with what their students think?  Does it matter?

For STEM educators who are striving to meet student interest in inclusive and meaning-centered education, this Magna Online Seminar provides concrete, evidence-based strategies and a framework for reimagining a STEM education through a humanities lens.


Purpose of the APD opportunity:

Participants will be introduced to a phenomenological framework on STEM-inclusive teaching. Explore concrete, evidence-informed strategies to align what students expect from their education with what faculty think; transform the classroom—virtual or in-person—into a sanctuary where all students can explore life; and create a meaning-centered education which is grounded in the love of knowledge, beauty, and humanity.


Outcomes of the APD opportunity:

At the end of this workshop, the participants should be able to:

  • Align what students expect from their education with what faculty think they should expect;
  • Transform the classroom—virtual or in-person—into a sanctuary where all students can explore life, the inner and the outer;
  • Create a meaning-centered education that is grounded in the love of knowledge and humanity.


Expectations/ Requirements:

Even the most experienced educators may, for whatever reason, create a content-driven curriculum for STEM courses without including application or purpose. Students seek more out of their education than credits, degrees, and job placement. They are also looking for a transformative experience where they can learn about themselves and the world—that they are part of something bigger than the classroom.

Participants are expected to access the link for the online seminar sent to their NWU email address, and upon completion, provide feedback on the online seminar. Participants will be required to upload their certificate of completion in the section provided on the feedback form.


Presented by:

4 September, 2020
All Day Event
Time Zone:
Central Africa Time (change)
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